
Growth Hacks Top 10

The Best of Inbound Marketing for April, 2014
1 How To Get Your Content Linked To From Top-Tier Websites

“For me, community building is far more powerful than link building alone.”

Principles of Mobile Site Design: Delight Users and Drive Conversions

“Consumers increasingly rely on the mobile web to research and make purchases, which makes it more important than ever for companies to have an effective mobile presence. But what makes a good mobile site?”

How to Get Your Facebook Posts Noticed in the News Feed

“Are your Facebook posts going unnoticed in Facebook’s news feed? Are you wondering how to get more people to pay attention?”

How to Build a Strong SEO Team

Alright, alright, I’m not going to keep it any longer. Here’s the secret sauce why SEO Hacker is what it is today.

A Comprehensive Study of Content and Brand Visibility on Google+

“When Larry Page took charge of Google’s direction once again, we witnessed a sudden shut down of unviable products. What followed was profound integration of Google’s products services into a single unifying platform. At the centre of all that action was Google+ which now fuses most of their key products and services including Search, AdWords, Gmail, YouTube, Drive, Picasa, Places, Android, Chrome, Maps and Earth.

The Power of Storytelling: How We Got 300% More People To Read Our Content

“Your valuable content is a vitamin. You know that if you could just get people to take it, they’d be healthier and more successful. But no matter how hard you try, many people can’t be convinced to swallow vitamins. They don’t taste good, and they’re not fun to take.”

How Copyblogger Increased their Google Plus Growth Rate by 157%

“When Copyblogger removed blog comments on March 24th, it sent reverberations throughout the web. As one of content marketing’s digital founding fathers, removing comments made a statement about where things are, and where they’re going in regards to community participation on the web.”


“As Google continues to add social signals to the algorithm, how do you separate simple popularity from true authority?”
3 Lessons Learned From Testing Hundreds Of Onboarding Emails

“None of the marketing in the world — the redesigned site, the conversion hacks, the blog — meant a thing if we couldn’t get users to stick around.”

Why UX Designers Need to Think like Architects

“Architects are, of course, a type of designer, but the work of a good architect is not just about designing a space that is beautiful. It’s about balancing aesthetics with usability—precisely what we are tasked with as user experience designers.”

About Sean

is a Filipino motivational speaker and is the head honcho, and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker, an SEO Services Company, and God and You.