How Google Search Ranking Works – Darwinism in Search“There are hundreds/thousands of ranking factors. Google doesn’t tell us what they are in detail (which, by the by, seems to me to be reasonable).“ |
SEO Audit 2019: A Comprehensive Guide“Our job is to create the most optimized site that contains useful, authoritative, and high-quality content that is able to assist users in their search queries and help them find what they’re looking for.” |
The new realities of local search“Featured snippets are driven by a specific ranking algorithm that is separate from the core algorithm. That’s my theory. For me, the idea holds (a lot) of water. And I’m not alone. Experts such as Eric Enge, Cindy Krum, and Hannah Thorpe have the same idea.“”’z |
Blog Optimization: How to Update Old Blog Posts & Boost Search Rankings“Freshness is one of the factors Google’s algorithm considers when ranking results, so updating old blog posts and republishing them can boost your rankings, driving increased traffic to those old posts.“ |
How to Find Orphaned Pages and What to Do with Them“While there are some pages that are purposely left out such as testing pages and tags pages, it is critical that you check if there are orphaned pages that are still relevant for the users.” |
Top Takeaways from Next10x Digital Marketing Conference 2019” Perficient Digital hosted the third annual Next10x conference in Boston. The one-day agenda was packed with relevant, valuable digital marketing and SEO information and networking breaks.” |
The middle ground for single keyword ad groups (SKAGs)“For many years, single keyword ad groups were the hallmark of good PPC strategy. And aside from a slight feeling of unease when saying the word, SKAGs appeared to offer much.“ |
Podcasts in SERPs: Is Audio SEO the Next Frontier?“One of the many bits of news from Google I/O 2019 was that Google would soon start displaying podcasts in search results. “Soon” turned out to be very soon, as we’re already seeing these results surface. “ |
Keyword Difficulty: How to Determine Your Chances of Ranking in Google“Nobody knows the exact formula Google uses to rank web pages. Even if they did, it wouldn’t change the fact that some keywords are more difficult to rank for than others. That’s what makes the concept of “keyword difficulty” one of the key challenges in SEO.” |
Why Google Isn’t Giving Update Advice Anymore“Before I get in to it, I have to admit that this is, essentially, a conspiracy theory (though most inference from Google behavior has to be) and the title of this piece could easily have been ‘The possible reason Google is probably not, most of the time, giving advice about a large proportion of reasonably large updates’.” |
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