Archives for 2021


Growth Hacks Top 10



“According to LinkedIn, only 2% of visitors convert on their first visit to a website. By retargeting those who visited your website then left without purchasing, you entice them into coming back to your website and convert.


Major Google Algorithm Updates You Need To Know For 2022 Planning

“Each year, Google Search algorithms are updated thousands of times to ensure the most relevant, reliable results are listed most prominently. This ongoing commitment to searcher experience and the quality of results has helped Google decrease the number of irrelevant results appearing on a search results page by over 40% over the past five years, the search engine says.”


Going Digital: 4 Doable Steps for Businesses

“As of January 2021, there are 4 billion active internet users worldwide. People go online to stay connected during the pandemic. With the lockdown restrictions enforced around the globe, the majority of businesses were faced with the urgency to put more online efforts as well.


Marketer Survey: 5 Social Media Trends to Watch in 2022 [Infographic]

“Specifically, it covers five trends to watch: brands finally getting community right, marketers getting creative as consumers wise up to social ads, social maturing out of the marketing department, social becoming the heart of shopping, and social media managers bridging the gap between marketing and customer service.”


How to Create An Email Strategy

“An email marketing strategy is less about an over-the-top, “started from the bottom now we’re here,” type of strategy and more about taking one step forward. Then, another. And, another.”


“For those in the B2B world, you’ve probably heard of B2B referred to as “Boring 2 Boring.” Well, it’s time to end that and spice things up a bit. So, let’s explore marketing storytelling techniques you can use to take your B2B marketing strategy to the next level.”


Marketing to Gen Z: The Digital Natives

“Members of Gen Z buck trends and set trends in their own way — most notably their disruption of traditional gender norms. Generation Z gravitates toward gender inclusivity and unisex options. In fact, 77% feel more positive toward brands that promote gender equality on social media.”


How to Build Backlinks to Your Website

“Links are one of the fundamental ranking factors that we have. Think of it as word-of-mouth referrals. When you have many people referring your company to their friends and family, that means you’re building your credibility as a trustworthy company with good products and services.”


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): 8 Ways To Get Started

“Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of enhancing your website to increase the number of leads you generate. CRO is achieved through content enhancements, split testing, and workflow improvements. Conversion rate optimization results in highly-qualified leads, increased revenue, and lower acquisition costs.”


“Inclusive language aims to avoid offense and fulfill the ideals of egalitarianism by avoiding expressions that express or imply ideas that are sexist, racist, or otherwise biased, prejudiced, or denigrating to any particular group of people (and sometimes animals as well). Use of inclusive language might be considered a form of political correctness; often the term “political correctness” is used to refer to this practice, either as a neutral description by supporters or commentators in general or with negative connotations among its opponents.”



Growth Hacks Top 10



“Before your customer makes his final purchase decision, he might feel a single or a number of emotions. Once these emotions interplay, this changes the customer’s emotional state – which leads to his final purchase decision.


What Neuroscience Tells Us About Social Media Marketing

“When our social constructs—gatherings of opted-in groups brought together for activities unconcerned with financial transactions—are interrupted by sales and marketing, we all react instinctively and strongly in defense of our social bubble.”


Dynamic Website: The Ultimate Guide

“There are various kinds of websites out there: from e-commerce websites, calendar websites, to-do websites, to purely informational ones that you don’t really get to interact with. We access these websites every day. Thing is, you can split these websites in two camps: dynamic and static websites. In this blog post, I’m discussing what a dynamic website is, how to build one, and when you should.


What is Content Marketing?

“Content marketing is the strategic approach of creating and distributing relevant and useful information in the form of articles, e-books, podcast episodes, and so on and so forth. We use content marketing to acquire leads and form long-term relationships with them as we provide them well-researched, valuable information.”


How To Do Content Curation For SEO: Your Starter Guide

“Every day, there’s a ton of new content being pushed out into the world at an astonishing speed. More and more, marketers believe they must continuously publish new content or risk losing their online presence. But with all this new content, it’s harder than ever for businesses to stand out. And readers are left to sift through it all to find pieces of quality content. That’s where content curation comes in. It creates value by curating content that others have already published.”


“As it happens, though, whatever you or I may think, most SEOs do still hold that links directly improve rankings, which seems reasonable. But surprisingly, a narrow majority will not say this without qualification: this recent study from Aira shows the commonly-cited caveats of a lack of technical issues, and of some verticals not really benefiting.”


6 Essential Steps for Creating a Rock-Solid Brand Strategy and Brand Identity

“When done right, your brand strategy supports your brand identity, and your brand identity creatively aligns with your brand strategy. They work together to strengthen the way consumers view you. As a result, they are the foundation for strong and robust digital marketing programs.”


5 No-Nonsense TikTok SEO Strategies For Your Business

“Your website and TikTok for your SEO strategy make a powerful impact on your business. With only 4% of businesses using TikTok, it’s high time that you use its platform. Stand out and stay ahead of your competitors.”


What Will Influencer Marketing Look Like in 2022?

“Influencer marketing works because it uses tactics like word-of-mouth marketing and social proof, which are now critical aspects of any successful marketing strategy.”


“Google has produced a new interactive SEO checklist with “specific things you can do to improve the SEO of your website.” It is interactive in that you can select if you are a business owner or marketer, developer or SEO and the checklist will change based on what you select. It is cute and was announced in the One year of Search Central blog post – which really shows how far Google has come with their content marketing (yes I said it) efforts.”



Growth Hacks Top 10



“SEO can be quite the investment as it is a you-get-what-you-pay-for business… So, a good SEO agency will usually be a little pricey, but when you invest in SEO, you invest in being searchable, in becoming an industry leader, in ensuring that you solidify your reputation, in keeping up with the market, and other things.


Video Marketing: The Definitive Guide

“When you dig deeper, you realize that online video is a lot more than cute cat videos. In fact, consumers are using video to help them make decisions about what to buy and who to buy it from. 72% of consumers prefer to watch a video about a product than read a product description (HubSpot).”


How to Choose the Right SEO Agency for You

“When you pick an SEO agency for your business, think of shopping for a perfect pair of shoes. You wouldn’t grab the very first pair of shoes that you saw, would you?


How to Create a Winning Blog Content Strategy in 7 Steps

“There are more than seven million blog posts published every single day. In our study, we found that the majority (90.63%) of all web pages get no monthly organic traffic. At all. Without a clear strategy, you might end up creating blog content for the sake of creating it—without it getting any traffic and doing any good for the growth of your business.”


The Link Building Tactic You’re Not Using: Shallow Links

“Sure, your inbound link counts look good on that SEO tool, but all those links aren’t worth squat if they’re not pointing to the right pages.”


“If your business can reach those consumers with informative, relevant answers to their questions, those users will begin to see your brand as an authority on the topic. Down the road, those same readers you first attracted with a how-to guide could become customers and loyal brand advocates who spread the word about your products or services.”


Lead Scoring: What Is it and How Does It Work?

“Developing a new organizational structure when merging two or more businesses is a complicated affair, but if your new business is going to rely on its website to drive sales, leads, or audience engagement, then defining a website structure that preserves and builds upon the performance of any existing websites that the merging parties own should be a top priority.”


Social Monitoring and Social Listening: Are They Different?

“Many businesses make efforts in connecting and engaging with their audience through different social media channels nowadays. According to Hootsuite, there are 1 billion messages exchanged between people and businesses on Facebook Messenger. Furthermore, 70% of customers expect companies to use social media for customer service.”


How to Invest in SEO

“This post will not cover what SEO work is actually worthwhile, or how to determine your SEO strategy, or how to hire the right SEO, or what tools to use, etc. Those are all aspects of investing in SEO that very much depend on your unique context. That said, hopefully this framework will help you navigate those questions.”


“John said “At its core, technical SEO is (imo) extremely “basic.” The basics are critical. The advanced part is doing that at scale, and combining the elements strategically. Also, “basic” does not mean these things are easy or always obvious.””



Growth Hacks Top 10



“One of the primary ways people determine which search results might be relevant to their query is by reviewing the titles of listed web pages. That’s why Google Search works hard to provide the best titles for documents in our results to connect searchers with the content that creators, publishers, businesses, and others have produced.


Google’s Title/Header Change Does Not Impact Rankings

“This is purely a display change. This is not meant to change rankings. It’s easier to separate things out for testing. That said, we make ranking changes all the time too, so I wouldn’t assume you won’t see ranking changes, it’s just that they’re not due to this


8 Ways to Increase Blog Engagement

“There are a lot of factors you have to consider when you want your blog to be successful. It’s not just about writing good-quality articles. One of which would be user engagement for your posts.


2021 Core Web Vitals Update: Assessing the Initial Impact

“We spotted no dramatic difference between the post-update data for June and July. Field data confirms that the overall situation didn’t change much. However, there are smaller details we observed in the lab stats.”


Google Search Console Insights Behind the Curtains

“Search Console Insights is an experience that makes both Google Search Console and Google Analytics data available and tailored to content creators and website owners.”


“SEO Meta Tags are lines of text found in a website’s source code. These pieces of text describe what a page is about to both Google and searchers. While it cannot be found on the page itself, it does its job very well behind the scenes.”


How to Maintain Organic Performance when Merging Multiple Websites

“Developing a new organizational structure when merging two or more businesses is a complicated affair, but if your new business is going to rely on its website to drive sales, leads, or audience engagement, then defining a website structure that preserves and builds upon the performance of any existing websites that the merging parties own should be a top priority.”


How to Choose Pillar Page Topics

“While keyword research and relevant content are still key, your authority on a subject matter is coming into question more and more.”


How to Detect (and Deflect) Negative SEO Attacks

“Negative SEO is when a competitor uses black-hat tactics to attempt to sabotage the rankings of a competing website or web page. Not only is this practice unethical, but also sometimes illegal.”


“Content marketers are able to interact with potential customers before they are ready to buy. Instant connection. However, content marketing is completely ineffective without an effective distribution strategy.”



Growth Hacks Top 10



Our vision for page experience is to build a web ecosystem that users love—together. We’re hard at work to make sure that you have the right tools and resources available before the ranking rollout starting in mid-June 2021.


Google Announces Product Reviews Algorithm Update

“This update is “designed to better reward” product reviews that share in-depth research, rather than thin content that simply summarizes a bunch of products.


What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)? A Beginner’s Guide

“Conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategies can help you get more conversions and grow your business.


How Changing URLs Can Affect Your SEO

“If you’re thinking of revamping your website, changing URLs may be part of your list. However, you should know that this can lead to fluctuations in rankings.”


Soft 404s Or Noindex Empty Pages For Google

“Michelle Race, aka ShelliWeb, asked an interesting SEO question, she asked what is better for Google when you have empty webpages. Should you noindex the empty webpage or should you let Google index it and treat it as a soft 404?”


“When it comes to organic search traffic decline, it is often caused by stagnant content, the emergence of new competitors, or loss of backlinks.”


7 Ways To Improve Product Descriptions In Your Online Store

“You need to know the product, the customer, and how they write or talk about this particular product. You need to know how the customer comes from realizing a need to buying a product from you: the user journey.”


20+ SEO Experiments To Get More Organic Traffic

“With SEO split-testing, you can A/B test each of those elements and more without waiting weeks for search algorithms to feedback the results.”


Everything You Need to Know About Video SEO in 2021

“Video content is possibly one of the most famous platforms today where numerous people spend a lot of their time-consuming content in different mediums.”


“This post will cover step-by-step how and when to use — and when not to use — Google’s Disavow Tool.”



Growth Hacks Top 10



“The robots.txt file is one of the main ways of telling a search engine where it can and can’t go on your website. All major search engines support the basic functionality it offers, but some of them respond to some extra rules which can be useful too. This guide covers all the ways to use robots.txt on your website.”


How To Use LSI Keywords For SEO

If you have a landing page that’s not doing so well despite having optimized metadata and a good number of backlinks & internal links – You may not have enough LSI Keywords to help Google understand more about your page and what its goal is.”


The Definitive Guide to Google’s Knowledge Graph

“You need to understand how to influence topics in the Knowledge Graph if you want to help Google understanding your content.


Copywriting: The Definitive Guide (2021)

“Copywriting is the practice of crafting written text in order to inform, inspire or persuade. In most cases, copywriting is used to increase sales and conversions. Mediums, where copywriting is implemented, include sales letters, blog posts, advertisements and social media posts.”


Wix vs. WordPress: The Key Differences and What Is the Best Choice for You?

“Having an online presence for your business or interests is imperative in our connected world, but what platform is best for you? If you’re just starting and thinking — how do I make a website? Where do I host it?”


“…SEO is a long-term game – monumental results will only be gained through multiple months or years of effort. This is why people aimed to take advantage of the system, doing unethical practices to gain results faster – in other words, a shortcut.


According to the Experts: 5 Technical SEO Trends to Watch in 2021

“To find out more about the state of technical SEO in 2021, we asked seven industry experts for their thoughts. The overwhelming answer? Keep doing what you’re doing.”


Google Crawl Budget Can Include All Your Subdomains

“Some may have thought Google will have different crawl budget allocations per domain, subdomain and so forth. But it really depends on the site, Google may or may not group all your subdomains on the same domain for crawl budget purposes.”


Unconfirmed Google Algorithm Updates: Should you be Worried About Them?

“In algorithm updates, there are some who win and some who lose. That is also why SEOs are always on high alert for disturbances in the search results and it is easy to panic when you see news or talks about unconfirmed algorithm updates. But should you really worry about them? “


“Google shows answers when the intent of a searcher is to expect an answer for a question and to provide a list of links to URLs when a query may be best answered by a page listed in its index.”



Growth Hacks Top 10



“Do you want to start learning or expanding your SEO learning process and don’t know how? created this SEO learning roadmap for you to make it easier”


How to Set Up Google Analytics 4 Conversions

“If you utilize GA goals, then you understand the importance of tracking activities that can lead to your business’ success.


Google Updated Metric Boundaries for Core Web Vitals in Search Console

“Google made a small change to the metric boundaries it uses for defining red versus yellow versus green scores in this report.


Google Passage Ranking is Live in the US English Results

“Passage ranking is Google’s way of algorithmically sifting through a long piece of content and being able to understand that a specific passage “


The Anatomy of the Perfect SEO Report

“Whether you are working as an in-house SEO or are agency-side, reports are something that we all have to produce.”


“There are 5 significant reasons why duplicate pages cause damage to your website.”


Email Outreach Tips: How to Increase your Open and Response Rates

“Email outreach takes a lot of work and patience. That’s the main reason why people started thinking that email outreach does not work anymore but yes, it still does.”


Optimizing for User Intent with Content-Tuning

“Pages can rank for many keywords, not because they cover a certain topic holistically but because they address many user intents or many variations of a query that expresses the same intent”


3 Top Skills SEO Content Writers Need to Succeed

“It takes more than just great writing chops to create search-optimized content.”


“This patent is about presenting data with search results and deciding when to show that data in a knowledge panel with those search results.”



Growth Hacks Top 10



“The ultimate goal of content marketing is to increase sales and grow a business, so it’s about more than just winning a sale.”


Local SEO Guide for 2021

“Local SEO is all about focusing on the area/s your business has presence, increasing your online visibility, and attracting more relevant customers who are near you.”


How to Do a Content Gap Analysis for SEO

Running a content gap analysis is crucial to finding holes in your content so you can fill them and make it easier for users to find your website and buy from you.”


What We Know About Google’s Passage Indexing

“Instead of a change in indexing, a search developer advocate for Google named Martin Splitt called Passage Indexing a ‘ranking change.”


Google Ranks Pages But Overall Site Greatly Influences The Ranking Pages

“Google evaluates your site’s quality overall and that can impact your site during broad core updates, in Google Discover, whether Rich Results are shown for your site, and whether individual pages of your site rank.”


“They’re releasing 4 major changes in the Index Coverage report that will help webmasters have a more thorough and deeper understanding of how Google crawls or indexes their website.”


Why Local Links May Reign Supreme

“Begin building a relationship with other organizations in your community and develop brand awareness among the locals, and you’ll be on your way to earning some additional attention online (and in-person!)”


A Guide to Google Rich Snippets for SEO

“The primary benefit of utilizing rich results for your webpage/website is to give the users an easier time finding the information they want to see.”


Best practices for carousels

“A well-implemented carousel, in and of itself, should have very minimal or no impact on performance… However, large assets can impact performance regardless of whether they are displayed in a carousel or elsewhere.”


“The updated interface aims to make the search interface easier to read for searchers while providing a cleaner and more modern experience, the company said.”